
If you cant FORGIVE, you dont have the RIGHTs to LOVE, if you cant LOVE, you dont have the RIGHTs to know the TRUTH: From Ooru Peru BHAIRAVAKONA movie

Sri SANEESHWARAN: NALAN, DASARADHAN, VINAYAGAR, ANJANEYAR ... DHARMA and DUTY doers dont need to worry about the lord as the lord is a JUSTICE KEEPER based on KARMA

Saptha Rishi Kootam [Ursa Major alias Great Bear] and Swathi star - Real time documentation with self clicked and artwork 😀

Scientists find ‘Shiva’ and ‘Shakti,’ earliest building blocks of Milky Way, Scientists have discovered what could be the Milky Way's earliest building blocks and named them "Shiva" and Shakti."

Tara is Maha Nila Saraswathi, the 2nd of 10 Maha VIDYAs

Sri Vishnu and Time

Dharmam kills the killer, protects the protector

Why always say time machine is a fiction. Why r u not seeing ur MIND as a TIME MACHINE and u can travel to a HAPPY UNIVERSE too

Ancient wisdom revisited: Why astrology was created: We will see Karanam only here and a story created for Bhadra, the sister of Justice deity Saneeshwaran

Choose ur self as enemy for a strong growth, why choose someone else and hate them, instead love them

Duality between soul and behaviour (Soul=Un conscious mind ?)