Duality between soul and behaviour (Soul=Un conscious mind ?)

Before we start, my standing ovations to my dear friend and mentor Mr.Vinod C...

We can deep delve and see 👀 that there is a difference in behaviour (not in line with what our soul says)

The above diagram is simply the colours of a milk vessel and see it has 3 different colours (its own, its shade of GRAY, its reflected colour PURPLE [depends on the reflecting material - the SURROUNDING, in a work environment this could be the TOXICITY, TRANSPARENCY levels etc of  PEOPLE, Physical ENVIRONMENT])

We know that our behaviour also depends on our unconscious mind. This behaviour people say we are not aware of this behaviour 😳 

We can speak our minds but not souls because it depends on the situations we are in

Soul=Un conscious mind ?
Soul= Sub conscious mind ?
Soul= Sub conscious mind ?

Answer is NONE of THESE

Following are for authors reference but feel free to read, the diagrams led to some important revelations for the author

This light diagram is just for 2 and 3, dont go deep
