
Showing posts with the label awakening

Not only this world, but also the 17 and 14 worlds, heaven and hell, Until You Awaken but, Nothing is there once the state of awakening is attained-Bodhidharma. The world is there because you see it, the world is not there when you don't see it-Modern quantum physics

AWAKENING, You reach a point where you feel yourself going through an awakening. You look at what you used to do and who you used to be. It hurts because you realize you believed in and promoted non- sense. You grow; you evolve and you stop because you no longer operate at that frequency. As a result, there's certain people that you have to walk away from. As a result, you start to realize just how messed up the world is. You want to help; you want to heal; you want to make it a better world. This is how you know you're awakening a higher level of consciousness, Sylvester McNutt

The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about unbecoming who you are not