Why always say time machine is a fiction. Why r u not seeing ur MIND as a TIME MACHINE and u can travel to a HAPPY UNIVERSE too

Always, we see time machine is a fiction
Have u seen in our epics like Kanda Puranam, Ramayanam, Mahabharatham -  sages, saints and yoginis, yogis were able to see what happened in a remote location and in past/future, yes, your MIND has that ability when YOGIC and SIDDHIc practices are followed 

Why not our mind visualised as time machine
Have you realised that we are able to virtually go back and see our early age days and times

What happens, you build a visual of the memories that either created HAPPINESS [NOSTALGIA] or a TRAUMA

Why always think about trauma. Why dont u think about NOSTALGIC moments

Travel to HAPPY world 🌎 with ur MIND as TIME MACHINE 

Cheers ! Enjoy ! Ur comments are valuable and so please pass on
