Devi Sadhana, Devi Mahatmiyam, Maa Lalita Tripura Sundari is the Kundalini

Devi Sadhanas lead to more avenues and opportunities if u wish to earn more money by hard work, not just by giving money. Sadhanas lead to Prayatna (Right effort), Kala (Right time) and Deiva Anugraha

The suffering we undergo is to be treated as her prasadam, She shows abundant compassion which is faultless

Kundalini Shakti, the divine feminine energy, symbolizes spiritual awakening as it ascends through the chakras. 
Maa Lalita Ambika, as Kundalini Shakti, helps pierce the 3 granthis (knots) that hold us back from liberation

1. The Brahma Granthi, located in the root chakra (Muladhara Chakra), ties us to survival instincts, material desires, and procreation. Piercing this knot is the 1st step in overcoming attachment to physical pleasures and awakening spiritual

2. The Vishnu Granthi, at the Manipura Chakra, represents our deep attachment to emotional security and the illusion of permanence. It reflects our fear of change and desire to hold on to people, possessions, and achievements. 

Kundalini teaches us to let go, accept impermanence, and move beyond emotional limitations

3. The Rudra Granthi resides at the 3rd eye (Ajna Chakra) and symbolizes ego, self-doubt, and fear of inadequacy. 

As Kundalini ascends, past failures and insecurities may resurface, testing the meditator's strength

Piercing this knot dissolves the ego, leading to self-realization and higher consciousness

The Final Ascent: Sahasrara Chakra
After transcending the granthis, Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara, the crown chakra. 

Here, Ma Lalita Ambika pours the nectar of divine blias (amrita), symbolizing the ultimate union of Shakti and Shiva energy and consciousness. This state represents liberation, eternal bliss, and oneness with the divine.

Kali comes 1st among Mahavidyas. In tantric tradition, the highest (absolute) teaching is often given before the lower (relative), so as not to waste the mature students time should he or she be ready to receive it. Following this premise, we understand Kali as the highest form of wisdom, i.e., the culmination of all sadhana. She is the picture of liberation. Sometimes the 1st 3 goddesses in the most common sequence; Kali, Tara and Tripura Sundari are all depicted as forms of Adi Shakti, or the primordial energy, the cosmic mother from which all things arise and to which all things return.

Goddess takes many form that dances in and out of different guises at its own pleasure

Goddess has the ability to both liberate and bind, viz, to go in both directions, we rise by that which we fall, meaning that the same tendencies that keep us locked in destructive patterns can help us break out of them

After years of Sadhanas, you will realize that all that you seek is already within you, as Devi Herself. And that is when the real Devi Sadhanas (Shri Vidya) will begin

1st-Bala Tripura Sundari represents Child and Mother, 2nd-Tripura Sundari represents the Nectar or Amrita as a result of sadhana, 3rd-Tripura Bairavi, the fiery form of Kundalini, As she matures she creates her own lover and longs for lover and is called Kameshwari or Raja Rajeshwari
