Benefits of shushumna breathing and conducive times

What happens during shushumna breathe

When we consciously breathe equally through both the nostrils, there is an inherent balancing of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and the neuroendocrine system. These systems are responsible for the unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious control and regulation of the constant maintenance of the external and internal environment of the hundred trillion cells of the body called homeostasis. As a result, we can easily experience the perfect and integrated state of the health and well being.

When should you do alternate nostril breathing?

You can do alternate nostril breathing at any time and place that feels most comfortable to you. 

You may find that you enjoy doing it in the morning or evening

It can also be done during the day when you need to focus or relax

Alternate nostril breathing is best done on an empty stomach.
