ASHTA MAHA siddhis (8 siddhis): CONTEMPORARY comparison to ACTORS who had PARTLY achieved 4 siddhis by DEVOTION to acting profession

This is a very lengthy blog, so be PATIENT enough to read through

The 1st 4 siddhis  are of BODY, rest of them MIND and SOUL

For easy comparison, the photos of actora with the siddhi title is given

How to interpret images: Read the related siddhi, navigate back and interpret what the actor has done 

Note for 100% spiritual lovers and practicioners

This is written only in the context of millenials for understanding purposes. Otherwise, there is no intention to downgrade siddha, yoga




! 8 Siďdhis



!! SIDDHI means Astonishing powers of the soul - Saivism

*Siddhis can give someone ADVANCED CAPABILITIES through SADHANAS such as meditation and yoga

*These powers are developed by consistent and effortless meditation, taxing TAPAS, spiritual MATURITY; YOGA sadhana and also as a BIRTH GIFT 

!! 1. ANIMA - becoming SMALLER 

*This is the ability to SHRINK one's BODY size, even to the SIZE of an ATOM. 

*Becoming smaller than the smallest was described in Srimad Bhagavatam by Lord Krishna

*common example of anima is when Lord Hanuman reduced his size when searching for Sita in Sri Lanka

!! 2. MAHIMA - becoming LARGER

The complete opposite of Anima, Mahima is becoming LARGER than the LARGEST - as also described by Lord Krishna in Srimad Bhagavatam.

Lord Hanuman also assumed this form to set Lanka ablaze, and to fight Kumbha Karna.

!! 3. GARIMA - becoming HEAVY

This is the ability to become very HEAVY by will, that one is rendered IMMOVABLE by anyone, or anything.

This is documented when Lord Hanuman made his TAIL so heavy that even the extremely strong BHIMA couldn't lift it.

!! 4. LAGHIMA - Becoming LIGHT 

Laghima originates from the root word "laghu", which means small, or LIGHT. This siddhi can make one's body also weightless. LEVITATION and FLYING are the extended powers of this siddhi.

!! 5. PRAPTI - GET anything

This is the ability to OBTAIN ANYTHING, ANYWHERE. We might have read in the Hindu scriptures, or watched in mythical-themed shows, the Gods materialising things out of thin air - thanks to prapti siddhi

!! 6. PRAKAMYA - OBTAIN ANYTHING - Koodu vittu koodu paidhal also

The ability to OBTAIN ANYTHING DESIRED, and realising dreams. 

*It is also the powers that enables one to LIVE in WATER, and the power to ENTER the BODY of ANOTHER person. 

*For example, Sri Sankara entered the body of Raja Aamruka of Benares, and Tirumoolar entered the body of a sheperd using this siddhi

!! 7. ISTIVA - Ex: SEPARATE their SOUL FROM their BODY

*Referring to the "POWER of LORDLINESS", this siddhi is about power of ABSOLUTE LORDSHIP over the entire creation. 

*One of the greatest siddhis, Isitva enables CROSSING ✝️ over the LAWS of NATURE and it overlaps the other siddhis

*For example, this capable enables one to SEPARATE their SOUL FROM their BODY at WILL

!! 8VASITVA - CONQUEST anything

*Ability to have ANYTHING under CONTROL, especially the PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION of the 5 ELEMENTS. 

*This is the siddhi that can CONQUEST any/or all BEINGS in the UNIVERSE 


  1. Awesome Vijay. The 8 Siddhis are well narrated and made easy to understand for the audience.

    With all good intents how does one aim to attain these siddhis ? Is there any sadhana or guidance which can help take one in that path to manifestation ?


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