Observe the OBSERVED: How to use for building LEADER-SHIP skills and TEAM WORK


The Observer and the Observed • Krishnamurti Foundation Trust (kfoundation.org)

The Observer Is the Cause of Division

QUESTIONWhen the observed becomes the observer, how do you remove the contradiction and conflict?

KRISHNAMURTIWe did not say the observer becomes the observed. The observer observing the tree does not become the tree – God forbid! But when the observer understands the structure and nature of itself, there is observation without division and the observer.

The moment I try to identify with something there is division – otherwise, I wouldn’t identify myself with something. 

There is division, contradiction, quarrels and hatred, so I try to overcome that by identifying. Which means I have already admitted division and try to overcome that division through identification. 

But we are saying the observer is the cause of division. The observer is the division. There is violence right through the world, and as a human being one is violent. 

Realising that, one has cultivated an ideal called non-violence. So there is the fact, the ‘what is’, which is violence, the actual violence of life, and there is the idea of non-violence – ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’. So there is a contradiction

One who is violent has the ideal of non-violence and so is pretending to be non-violent, which is hypocritical. But the fact is one is violent, and we hope through the ideal to remove violence. This is space and time between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’. See the absurdity of it. In trying to become non-violent, something we are not, we are spending energy and vitality.

Back to the author's blog

The blog was inspired from the above but the author presents a new view here in this blog

Presume the following

Observer: He/She [HS]

Observed: You [referred as U here]

The dialogue

U: Hi, how are you doing
HS: I am doing good
U: What do you think about the work culture here
HS: Its ok
U: Do you wish to share anything in specific
HS: No, Nothing

The observations and questions

What is the meaning of Its ok ? Is it good or bad ? The discussion does not conclude anything as HS might not be interested in telling the facts 
But there is a clue->No, Nothing which means denying the self to reveal facts. This is NOT good for a person in LEADER-SHIP role

Reason for HS not revealing the facts:
1. Lack of TRUST, FAITH
2. Past events that traumatized HS

Now, the SELF REALISATION: Observe the Observed [U observing U]
1. Recollect the past events and interactions U had with HS
2. Realize what had happened and act to build TRUST, FAITH

When done, things will definitely improve as team members would start sharing the ground level facts that hinder the growth and potential of the team.
