Healing using Cosmic Energy during the month of Margazhi (16th Dec to 15th Jan approximately], Puri Jagannath temple opens at 230 am

Dear readers
If you have long standing illness or looking for healing, I suggest to wake  up in brahma mugurtham especially this month of margazhi and practice deep breathing 

I have personally healed my long standing COPD by simply waking up and going for a walk in brahma mugurtham

Abundant cosmic energy ✨️ is available and it can help heal mind, body and soul [the trinity of our life ♥️]

Some interesting facts/rituals for your attention
- Puri Jagannath temple opens at 230 am for Pahili Bhoga
- 4 to 530 am is referred as Brahma Mugurtham

These might be the reasons our ancestors have created rituals to go temple during month of Margazhi especially Lord Vishnu temples 🛕 



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