Art of Divination

Note: I refers to author here and this is to reduce the word "The Author" repeatedly in this context

We all know some myths and rituals we follow in our daily life. For example, in my childhood, when we go out for a good work, we see some signs like cow coming, cay movements etc

As I grew and after studying engineering, somehow the mind used to believe these myths and rituals. I don't say wrong in it as we were brought like that.

I believe in God and so these beliefs couldn't fade away. 

During adverse times, we also reach to Astrologers, Occult sayers etc so that we can get some direction. During covid, my son told to read the book 📖 The Light of Egypt 
I completed and started seeing some signs, symbols... 
Example, bright light, rays of light in clouds, 🐘 in clouds, numbers like 8, etc

I started searching like Spiritual Symbolism of Elephant as I saw the signs, symbols and that's the catch and when I discussed with a close friend, he told that Universe will assist us when we surrender and connect to it. Universe aka God aka Mother Earth.

And side by side, was reading about dharma rules, how to serve humanity, how to serve Mother Earth 🌎 etc and started following several articles of different religions 

That led to the stage where I am in today getting some sort of message during trouble

So watch out and take help from the Universe aka God aka Mother Earth 🌎 
