
Make trouble to the trouble, People trusting in God trust everything is for good and pay gratitude to the god for providing an opportunity to be happily think about god, they know god knows it and continue happiness

God Said, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect, Romans 12.2

Even if you lose what you believe in, don't lose faith...Time will break everyone's veil... Wait...

Khadgamala Sthothram guides through the divine dance between Shiva and Parvathi and the lunar cycles

Pancha Brahmasana Sthitha

30092024-524: Astronomical positions of Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Sirius, Canopus

HOW 2 be spiritually HIGH

Life begins when fear ends

Secrets of the Fiery SerpentKundalini is the coiled fiery serpent, a primordial fire energy that can pierce through each of your seven chakras, if invoked. Each piercing of a Chakra's Granthi ग्रन्था ("knot") invokes transformation of the energy body to rise to higher states of consciousness.

Elephant like clouds in series

Dance of moon around earth and sun