
Kāmakoțikāyai, Salutations to the one who brings an end to all desires by giving the devotees the highest fulfilment

#parrot 🦜 #matangi #vakbalam #vaktheme

#iam #friend #foe

By harming others, u harm ur self as u dwell in everything

Soul Family

Quiz: Whats the movie 🎬 name

The Mother of auspiciousness, the measure of prosperity, the womb of Laksmī. Mātā means Mother; She is the Mother of everything. Thus, She is the daughter, sister, mother and friend of everyone. The womb measures the size of the child. The child is the Universe. Consciousness is the womb. Out of consciousness has come this universe. - lalitā sahastranāma

Mahadev swallowed the poison to save the world. True power is sacrificing for others without letting the darkness break you#power #sacrifice #darkness

Radharani with ashtasakhi

Ucchishta Chandaalini ambha, a devi who accepts offerings even when it is considered "impure" or "leftovers". As long as it is done with bhakti, she accepts, devi uses every bits and leftover energies to imput within her sadhaka for his spiritual growth

Devi Chandralamba Parmeshwari ~ form of Mahalakshmi. The goddess holds a Sudarshana and shanka, resides on a lotus