
Chathan Swami, the golden Vishnu, will be with you in any danger if you know and callഅറിഞ്ഞു വിളിച്ചാൽ ഏത് ആപത്തിലും കൂടെ ഉണ്ടാകും പൊന്നുണ്ണി വിഷ്‌ണുമായ ചാത്തൻ സ്വാമിOm Shree Vishnu Namah

Sri Vaikuntheshwari Mahalakshmi appeared and Kumkum in forehead symbl Rakhumai and peacock feather symbl Radharani, Nilotpala symbl Bhudevi, Kurma Bajubhanda symbl Yamuna

The names that provide peace ✌️ #kundalini #peace

Maths of Life, Life = Pleasure + Pain + Realisation

Reason is powerless in the expression of love #love

Trues and lies

My soul heard from yours, I drank water from ur spring

Protect, Preserve, Be Peaceful

Mantra = Mind + Vehicle

Stay away from evils 😈

All are Maya