
Compassion is the first step to understanding the unity of all life, ANNIE BESANT

When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union, BHAGAVAD GITA

He whose sins are destroyeu whose doubts are clarified, who is engaged in the welfare of all living beings, whose mind is free from confusion, he himself has attained the Supreme Lord

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open, Frank Zappa

God is not to be feared.Be afraid of karmic actions..because God will forgive.Karmic actions will come back and get resolved.

What kind of wealth we should seek, Preyas or Shreyas. Preyas is the search for material wealth, and Shreyas is the search for spiritual wealth.

Whatever you prioritize in your life is where your heart is. Happened in your life so far, forget all the things. Always realize that there is no mistake. Nothing from the past can interfere in your life if you are pious and have faith in God.You are automatically protected from anything.

I am awake.I am the creator of universes.I am conscious of, and in command of my own abilities now and choose to use them for the betterment of all... in this life and beyond.I am the pure essence of love... I create love, give love and receive love. I am a survivor, a believer, a warrior with a path and nothing will stand between me and my higher self