
In reality there are not two. There is only One.A man may call on God by any name; if he is sincere in his prayer he will certainly reach Him.He will succeed if he has longing-The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

Dont think that only one person's curse will destroy you, Even the pain of ones helplessness and patience is enough to destroy you-Osho

Tell the truth bodly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner the better-Swami Vivekananda. We all face death in the end. But on the way, be careful never to hurt a human heart-RUMI

He whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are cleared, who is engaged in the welfare of all living beings, whose mind is free from confusion, he himself has attained the Supreme Lord

Maitreya Muhurtham for debt repayment and healing, on 21092024, Day should be Tuesday and Star of Ashwini or Anusham and Lagnam of Mesham or Virichigam

The Lord who created a spring of water in the wilderness will turn your life into a spring of water where the flower has withered.

Men protect women in the physical realm. Women protect men in the spiritual realm, together, they complete the circle of strength and wisdom and create harmony

Walking Alone, Inspiring and a lot to learn from this...It takes the utmost of the SOUL, MIND, BODY..., NOT easy...NOT easy...NOT easy...V have to LOSE our BELOVED ones sometimes while V try to LOSE few TOXICS...importantly, U may have to LOSE all CREDITS earned and START OVER from 0 and become NOTHING...if U R READY, then choose this...once U have chosen, NO GOING BACK and the RESULT FEARLESS STRENGTH COURAGE...etc...

CHINTAMANI = MIND that has become GEM, 3 things that bestows whatever asked-Kamadhenu, Karpaga Virutcham, Chintamani Graham, the gem fort of Sri Tripura Sundari

Pratyumna and 4 sages, SANAKA means ANCIENT, SANATANA means ETERNAL, SANANDANA means EVER JOYFUL, SanatKUMARA means EVER YOUNG,Knowledge without learning

Silence is an ocean. Speech is a river. When the ocean is searching for you, don't walk into the river. Listen to the ocean, RUMI