
Science Illusion series, why are grill rods looking bent or curved

Jupiter and Mars conjunction just now and is called Guru Mangala Yogam;20240810_0518

Regard woman as a representative of the Divine Mother of the Universe and U will find in her a loving protection he has never seen before-Paramahansa Yogananda

Sushuma nadi leads to road without oxygen, the number 8

HEALTH series: Health is WEALTH to LIFE as well as WORK, Be CAUTIOUS, Be CONSCIOUS

Reduce food, control breathe, Maintain silence, Elixir flows


The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy

Lions gate portal opens on 8th of 8th month every year when SIRIUS gets VISIBLE again, fortunate time for bringing wonderful things


Investigate yourself, this is the purpose of your being. Spirituality is nothing more than understanding this play of consciousness. Try to find out what this illusion is by seeking its source-Nisargadatta Maharaj