
Psychometric test, Find the letters from the picture

Friendship=Friend in a ship during a storm, Just imagine a friend who understands ur problem and who can be called anytime during a problem and who provides the right guidance, how beautiful it would be, its a boon if u get such friend, suppose u lose such connection due to a misunderstanding, how tragedic it would be, so protect such divine relationship at any cost

Power of silence

Unshaken by fates painful darts, the excellent, ripe heart knows and accepts them all as grace divine sent down to fortify the mind and fit it for final freedom, Garland of Gurus Sayings

4 gate keepers to the realm of freedom, Calmness, Contentment, Enquiry, Good company, the wise seeker should cultivate atleast 1 of the 4

Applied physics of Tesla, Music Inspiration, 10072024-1820, Tesla said Inspiration comes from external and everything is a vibration

in AWARENESS there is NO DEATH, U are the infinite OCEAN of BEING, PRETENDING to be just a WAVE, TRUE happiness is ABSENCE of the SEARCH for happiness, U are the JOURNEY

Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up. changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we're meant to be

Atma Shatakam alias Nirvana Shatakam from Sri Adisankarar, shatakam means 6 rituals for atma, nirvana alias true self, Source: Wikipedia, Internet

Apocalypse means Revelation or Lifting of the VEIL

Psychometric test, r u able to see the letter P