
All souls are equal, Love is the truth, Hatred is false and multiplies

Gokarnatheshwar temple is a forest temple in Gokarna forest in Nepal, similar temple in Karnataka consecrated by Sri Narayana Guru of Kerala who created Daiva Dasakam of 1 religion, 1 God and 1 caste

True leader create leaders

KnoWlEDGE without authority is a chaos

Learning from the movie RATHNAM, though a violent action MOVIES IF U WISH to RESPECT a person, RESPECT ur MOTHER and she is to be respected 3 TIMES than UR FATHER

Living the LIFE, Rule UR Mind or it will RULE u

Manu and Satarupa, the 1st manushya and the dot to Sri AmritaVALLI

Sri AmritaVALLI and the context in South Indian stories, Mahabharata

A mystic prediction of past life 😀

Joy can be built only when it is there and true knowledge is about knowing the vast unknown

Secrets of happiness