
Analogous comparison of SATELLITE and MIND LIBERATION during YOGA🧘‍♀️

Abirami Andadhi in English, my mystic experience

HEAL yourSELF and OTHERS by drawing ✨️ COSMIC ENERGY

The mystical number that lead to the Paramporul Sri Murugan

The MYSTICAL number 118 and my MYSTICAL experience; The MAGIC if you surrender to the UNIVERSE, the MOTHER 🌎

Human mind is a flop flop -> Dualism -> How do we break and promote team work -> LEADERship style

Devotion to God->How to make use at work for self motivation, ofcourse DO duty without expecting results [Gita]

Alternate consciousness and a simple illustration with 1616

Nano blog: u wanna become lateral thinker, start using ur left hand ↔️ wherever possible if u r right hander and vice versa

Microblog: Restore oil bath->Restore 🛢->Rejuvenate [Destress as well]